About the course

With the increasing demand of advanced Accounting skills in our digitalized economy, having first hand knowledge and good mastery in Computerized Accounting give persons a better footing in Accounting and Business settings.

AnB International assists

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Structure of the course and Entry requirements.

Persons with the Arts or Science background are apt to enroll. With the use of the Professional software like Sage, The Program’s packages are;
* MS Excel;
* Sage Trading 100;
*Sage Accounting 100;
* QuickBooks;
*Tax Return;
*Tax Declaration;
*CNPS Declaration;
*Management Report;
*Financial Statement (SYCOHAD).etc….

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Cost + Duration

Bafoussam and Buea have the same prices

Classes are taught either Online or Onsite. Time schedule is very flexible. At the end of the week, Students are evaluated to assess their comprehension.
Total duration:3months(3-4times/week) 2-3hours/day.
Tuition a month( 74,000 Fcfa + Materials).
Total Tuition:220,000Fcfa.

Benefits of the program

Upon Completion of the Program, Students will sit for an end of course Exam based on their course work. Afterwards, attestations will be issued to them which is valid for many years. Equally the additional skills gotten, will set them on a better edge, as Certified Chartered Accountants and Business Tycoons.

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